tour 13 Dim Sum in China eat morning and evening as meal
If you want to get Brightness control of your wide 300 camera, then you should use some logic to get perfect shot. There are various ways to use brightness exposure, whether it’s a dial, a knob, a slider or a Dial. But the question is when should you be using it? So, that’s the way logic and some tricks can get exact shot all the time.
Wide 300 has L&D option for controlling the brightness. By using the light setting or force flash you must get nice picture. There are various use of light settings on wide 300. You can use from Dial to all variety features to get different kind of result. By avoiding bright light like headlight, you can remove red light or dark spot from the picture too. I have discussed it below in details.
What you will get in this article is —
- Tips for darken and lighten shot using L&D.
- Expert tips for best shot.
- Best shot with sunset
- Night lighting photography
- Taking selfie using lighten, darken and force flash feature.
- Tips for auto flash feature.
- Room and event photography
In most cases, you camera will make its own best assessment of your environment using a built-in light meter or flash, and will usually do a pretty good job creating a balanced exposure. For wide 300, you get most better shot on daytime like morning, evening or low light, but in the night you should be aware of some tricky light. Because if you are not happy with the result of a photo, you can not re-use the film. Then you have to retake the photo making it lighter or darker using the camera’s exposure control.
If you are new or have bought the camera or ordered it, then click here to read step-by-step Guide of using the wide 300 instant camera.
Wide 300 Darken tips
As the every Instax camera has auto exposure control automatically, but sometimes your photos may come out brighter than you‘d like them to. Difference of light situation in different time, maybe the camera’s been mistaken several time. You’d simply prefer it to come out darker than normal light. Either way, it’s easy to control and fixable. Here I am going to show some simple example of darken mode.
Checklist: How to make your photos darker
- Switch your camera to darken mode by pressing L&D.
- Pressing the D exposure button, the camera will automatically reduce the light for your subject or object. Make sure you have D on LED light.
- Make sure that there is no too much light. Medium light will more helpful for the camera.
- If the result is not dark enough, get back more than 3 meter distance so that you can avoid the auto flash.
- After taking the photo, make sure you make the camera back to normal mode for taking another shot.
Expert tip
If you’d like to include a person in front of the sunrise or sunset, just make sure use the auto flash button built-in to the camera. What it does is that it will illuminate them. If the person is too bright, get back more than 3 meter so that you can avoid the flash on the person.
Wide 300 Lighten tips
Although the instax camera has auto exposure control manual, but sometimes your photos come out darker than you’d like them. Why ? maybe the camera’s been mistaken or perhaps you’d simply prefer it to come out brighter than normal mode. It’s very easy to get more light and I am going to discuss it how.
Checklist: How to make your photos brighter
- Switch your camera to Lighten mode by pressing L&D.
- Pressing the L exposure button, the camera will automatically increase the light for your subject or object. Make sure you have L on LED light.
- Make sure that there is no too much dark. Medium dark will more helpful for the camera.
- If the result is not light enough, get back less than 3 meter distance so that you can get the auto flash.
- After taking the photo, make sure you make the camera back to normal mode for taking another shot.
Expert tip
If you’d like to include a person in front of the sunrise or sunset, just make sure use the auto flash button built-in to the camera. What it does is that it will illuminate them. If the person is too dark, get closer less than 3 meter so that you can flash on the person or move a little closer to them. Don’t assume the camera always get accurate representation of your photo. Depending on the brightness settings and the surrounding light, you can find your photos look darker or lighter than they actually are.
Example of lighten with sunset
Even on the sunset, you must get best shot using lighten mode on wide 300 camera. When you get nice mood or moment and you want to assist yourself to take shot, then jump it on. What to do then.
- Use the auto force flash function to get light on the subject.
- Get closer than 3 meter so that you get the flash light to the subject. If you use distance more than 3 meter, you can’t get the flash light to subject.
- Use the surrounding light as coordinator.
Lighten with wide 300
Here you can see the dog picture was taken on sunset timing. The weather was also very good for getting on the mood. The camera was set on force flash so that the dog can get enough light. The dial was set to up to 3 meter distance. This distance will help you to get the dog flashlight, and the sunset low light was also helpful for the picture.
Example of lighten with night
Taking pictures at night can be quite challenging for beginners. It requires little experience to maintenance the brightness while having shot. But after having expert with night photo shooting, you will find out that night photography is really fun. Don’t be afraid to experiment and you’ll rewarded with stunning images that you you must be proud of. So what to do when taking night shot with wide 300.
- Use the auto force flash function to get light on the subject in case there is not enough light..
- Get closer than 3 meter so that you get the flash light to the subject. If you use distance more than 3 meter, you can’t get the flash light to subject.
- Use the surrounding light as coordinator for best use of night photo shooting.
- It would be better if you can use tripod for night photography.
Auto-focus always help you to get the right direction with night photography with wide 300. Using the auto-focus option the camera doesn’t randomly focus on any part of the scene when you are taking shot.
night shot wide 300
Here are the perfect example of night shooting of wide 300. Using the light setting with wide 300, it gets awesome output with whole frame. The two girl setting on the skating board gets perfect light on the night shot. Again the camera used force flash and less than 3 meter distance for pouring light in the picture. Lighten mode was also enabled for getting bright photo. And you are watching the beautiful result.
Taking selfie using lighten
What do you need to have of taking selfie with wide 300 ? you should have close up lens so that you can get best shot with that. It’s OK if you are not ready to use close up lens. You can get centered with barely hand if you get used to it. But what to care about if you want to take selfie ?
- First priority is the close up lens. You can see your portrait and get more closer shot with it.
- Second is that use force flash if you are taking the shot at night.
- Third use lighten in case there is too dark situation
- And get set go.
selfie with lighten mode
Here you can see one of the best shot of wide 300 camera using close up lens. I was first amazed with the picture output. Then I realized low light situation or night is the best time to take shot if you have good camera. For this picture the lighten mode also was activated and the force flash also confirmed. And you can see Just for me !
click here to read 4 tricks of using close-up-lens
Taking selfie using Darken
If you have close up lens, then you can take best shot with wide camera. As the film is huge or almost double compare to mini film, it would help you to get the frame perfectly. It’s ok if you are not ready to use close up lens. You can get centered with barely hand if you get used to it. But what to care about if you want to take selfie ?
- First priority is the close up lens. You can see your portrait and get more sharper shot.
- Second is that you don’t need to use force flash if you are taking the shot at daytime. Just turn the darken “D” mode on.
- Third use darken in case there is too light situation
- And get set go.
selfie with darken mode wide 300
Here is another one of the best shot of wide 300 camera using close up lens and darken mode on. The expression need not complement. Then I realized low light situation or night is the best time to take shot if you have good camera. For this picture the Darken mode also was activated. And you can see, the auto flash doesn’t ruin the film.
click here to read 4 tricks of using close-up-lens
Why the camera has auto flash and bright option
IThe interesting part of the wide 300 camera is that you can do a lot of fun even use the camera roughly. That’s why you can shot any casual photo with no mistake almost. Why ? here is the answer, because of auto flash. Don’t believe in me ? actually the wide camera has tested a lot of photo for best shot and the most better result you get is with flash. Yes.
You can get almost all control in case of using the flash mode. Sometimes, you take shot on the daytime. Believe me if you take a lot of photo with wide camera, you will find out that the most picture would be taken at night or low light or the cloudy situation.
Actually as the newbie, I mean when you first buy the Instax camera you would always try to best situation to take the shot to not ruining the film. So that’s why you are using the daylight for taking the better shot.
Say, You know that when you buy a very good smart or iPhone with best camera, you take too many photo with that. And you will find that the best photo of them are the low light mode or cloudy situation. Now you can understand why the wide 300 has the auto flash function to get more better picture.
city 5 Old city, PhiladelphiaThis is the picture which was taken in old city, Philadelphia. There was not enough light but with the auto flash and the using the lighten option, the picture got another level of perfection. In the picture you can see the background light also filled with bright light. In most cases, the auto flash is useful like this if you take shot with low light.
But be careful of some cases like headlight, bulb light, sun, moon, red light. I have discussed another article of how to overcome the auto flash function and the best use of the different light situation you might face on that article.
If you are not happy with the auto flash function, you can overcome auto flash. How ? click the link below to read it.
Example of lighten mode in room
When you are young, one of the special days of the year is your birthday. It could be home party or a special day out, being creative and flexible is the best way to catch memorable birthday images. You can get shot any time, because there are always smiley face surrounding you with light.
If there is a event like birthday party, wedding, or any kind of ceremony, there must have been different source of light to make the moment more precious. That is more interesting moment to take wide memory with the wide film. You’d love this after doing that.
Lighten birthday event wide 300
Ok, here you can see that the picture of the birthday party. Now you can guess what happened. Lighten mode was activated so that the picture get more light. But the force flash make the cake almost as white as the table. Don’t worry it might happen sometimes, it should have been used darken or should take from more distance. You will get also used to it, but the picture gets awesome output for using the lighten mode.
Tips for Lighten and Darken shot with Wide 300
- learn to use dial for using the range properly. It really helps all the time. There are only two type of range. One is the 3 meter or less and another is 3 meter to infinity. Both are helpful. You can get more attractive result with using L&D.
- Use the logic and don’t panic of auto flash.
- If there is too dark, use 3 meter or less dial option and Lighten mode. Then take the shot.
- Avoid the too bright light like Headlight, sun, Bulb light.
- low light is enough for wide 300 camera.
- Closer shot using flash in the dark look like black memory.
For more tips (click here) to be expert in dial, auto flash and Brightness adjustment.
Want to use Instax Wide 300 Self-timer ? the Secret Method. then click here.
Click here………. to get TOP tips and tricks of Instax wide 300.
Click here………How to Overcome AutoFlash Issue of Instax Wide 300
click here………to read step-by-step Guide of using the wide 300 instant camera.
click here…….. to read 4 tricks of using close-up-lens
Click here…….Want to use Instax Wide 300 Self-timer ? the Secret Method.
click here to read all techniques of taking selfie with wide 300